How do I request a feature, make a suggestion, or report a bug regarding Reader?
You can leave feedback from within Reader by using the Command Palette (Cmd/Ctrl + K
) on web and typing "feedback" or by tapping the "more menu" icon (...
) and choosing Support and feedback
on mobile.
I have highlights in Readwise that I can't find in Reader. Where do I find all my previous highlights?
Right now, you can think of Reader as another reading app that integrates with Readwse (albeit seamlessly). Every highlight you make in Reader instantly syncs with Readwise and then from Readwise to your note-taking apps. This integration, however, does not go the opposite direction. In other words, you won't find your Kindle highlights inside of Reader. Over time, we intend to create a unified experience within Reader.
How do I find out about the Reader public API?
You can find the Reader public API documentation at readwise.io/reader_api. If you have a use case or endpoint you'd like us to support, please don't hesitate to reach out!
I have multiple Readwise-related browser extensions installed. Do I need them all?
Browser extensions pose a constant security threat so we maintain multiple extensions with different levels of access. The original Readwise extension (white background) automatically syncs your Kindle highlights to Readwise. If you no longer use Kindle, you can delete this extension. Otherwise, you can keep it installed and unpinned as it does its work in the background. The Readwise export extension is used to authenticate Readwise with your Roam Research or Notion account. If you no longer use Roam or Notion, you can delete this extension. Finally, the Reader extension (yellow) is used to save documents to Reader and optionally enable highlighting of the open web.
Will I lose the Reader highlights saved in Readwise if I delete my Reader articles?
Yes. The two apps share a database and all edits to highlights, notes, or the original article will sync seamlessly from Reader to Readwise, including deletion. We recommend that you store any documents you've annotated in your Reader archive, to maintain searchability and preserve their highlights.
How do I find a roadmap or list of known issues so I don't report something you're already aware of or planning to build?
Our Reader beta newsletter is a great resource to get some insight into what we're working on (you can even subscribe via RSS to get the updates directly in Reader!). Also feel free to reach out via the in-app feedback or email (hello@readwise.io) to ask us any specific question. In general, we don't mind receiving duplicate feedback because it helps us prioritize.
Where can I see my tagged highlights?
Right now we are deferring most highlight-based workflows to Readwise, so you can find your tagged highlights in Readwise here: https://readwise.io/tags. Eventually, we plan to create a place in Reader where you can view your highlights by tag.