Filtering Syntax Guide

Heads up!

This document is a work in progress. Some information may be incomplete. Please check back later as we continue to make improvements!

Date Parameters

  • last_status
  • saved
  • last_opened
  • published
  • You can use both absolute and relative dates eg 2022-03-20 or "1 year ago"

String Parameters

  • tag
  • domain
  • url
  • category or type
    • article
    • epub
    • email
    • pdf
    • tweet
    • rss
    • video
  • rss_source
  • author
  • location or in
  • title
  • saved_using (instapaper or pocket)

Binary Parameters

  • feed
  • seen (eg seen:true)
  • unseen
  • shared (will return true if the document has a public share link enabled)

Numerical Parameters

  • words
  • progress
  • highlights or has:highlights or has:tags or has:notes
  • minutes
  • progress
  • saved_count


You can add these double underscore operators to other parameters above to modify them.

By default, using a : with no operator will fuzzy search.

  • __gt (greater than)
  • __lt (less than)
  • __gte (greater than or equal to)
  • __lte (less than or equal to)
  • __contains
  • __exact
  • __before
  • __after
  • __not

Have a suggestion?

We're pretty familiar with our product, so we occasionally fall victim to the Curse of Knowledge. If any part of this documentation confuses you or seems incomplete, please let us know!