Account & Pricing
How much does Readwise cost after the free trial?
After your free trial expires, you can continue using Readwise for a small monthly fee (billed monthly or annually). Full pricing options are detailed here: Readwise Pricing.
Does Readwise offer any discounts?
We do offer discounts for students, teachers, non-profits, military, first responders, and those in developing countries/countries with depressed currencies. If you fall into one of these categories, please reach out to with any relevant documentation and let us know.
Note that at this time, discounts can only be applied to subscriptions placed on the Readwise website. We are unable to apply discounts through Apple for subscriptions made through the iOS app. Apologies for any inconvenience.
Does Readwise offer an academic discount?
Yes! We offer a 50% discount to students and other members of academia and those in education. All subscriptions (Lite, Full, annual, monthly) are able to receive the discount.
At this time, discounts can only be applied to subscriptions placed on the Readwise website. We are unable to apply discounts through Apple for subscriptions made through the iOS app. Apologies for any inconvenience.
If you're in your free trial period
To take advantage of the discount while you are in trial, create an account and then email us at with proof of your academic status (a photo of your ID or an email address works fine). We'll apply the student discount to your account so your pricing options will be updated to reflect the discount here:
If you're subscribed
If you've already subscribed to Readwise, simply email us at with proof of your academic status (a photo of your ID or an email address works fine). We'll then apply the 50% discount by issuing a partial refund and make sure the discount is applied going forward.
Does Readwise offer a free plan?
At the moment, there is no free plan for Readwise after the free trial. You can read more about our decision to bootstrap Readwise as a paid product in the following blog post → Why We're Bootstrapping Readwise.
How can I use Apple ID to log into the Readwise website?
If you signed up for Readwise using Apple ID on the iOS mobile app, you can sign in to Readwise on your computer using this link:
How do I invite my friends to Readwise?
While you're in your free trial period, you can use your personal invite link to get both you and your friend an extra free month of Readwise!
Right now, the invite bonus only adds free months for those users in trial. That said, your friends will still get the free months even if you use the invite link after you've subscribed.
Why can't I change my email address in Readwise?
If you're trying to change your email address on the Preferences page and the new address isn't saving, it probably means that the email address you inputted is already in use. In other words, you've already created another account using the new email address.
If this is the case, here are the steps to fix the duplicate account:
- Logout of Readwise under the current email address (logout)
- Log back in to Readwise using the new email address
- Delete the account (delete)
- Log back in to Readwise using the original email address
- Change the login address of the original account on the Preferences page
How do I change my password?
You can change your password at any time by going to the Account Settings page (accessible via the account menu in the upper right corner of any page) and then clicking Change next to the platform field.
Can I get a receipt for my Readwise subscription?
Yes! You can find all your Readwise receipts here:
Does my Readwise subscription auto-renew?
Your Readwise subscription will auto-renew based on your billing cycle (monthly or annually). If you have an annual subscription, we will always send a reminder email a week before the plan renews to make sure you have an opportunity to discontinue service, if you wish.
If you'd like to change your subscription to not auto-renew, please reach out to the team at We can set up your account with manual billing, meaning you'll receive an invoice via email on your next billing date and you can choose to renew or not. Your card will then only be charged if you choose to renew your subscription.