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How are Readwise and Reader related?
Currently, we have two separate apps: Readwise and Reader.
Readwise is a tool for organizing, managing, exporting, and re-surfacing the highlights you've taken while reading across various platforms. Reader is our read-it-later app for managing and reading articles, books, and other content.
Your account works in both apps, and Reader syncs highlights and notes seamlessly to Readwise.
Are Readwise and Reader automatically connected?
Yes! Every highlight you make in Reader instantly syncs with Readwise, and then from Readwise to your note-taking apps.
Can I read all the books from my Readwise library in Reader?
For copyright reasons, we can't import the full content of externally-purchased books into Reader (e.g. books from Kindle or Apple Books). If you purchased a book on a platform that allows you to download an EPUB copy, you can upload that to Reader, but it won't retain any of the highlights you took on the original platform.